Is This Proof St. Cloud Superman Is Ready For His Comeback?!
St. Cloud Superman has been missing in action for several years now. He's been spotted around town, but not in his Superman costume.
It used to be that for over 20 years, you'd find John Fillah aka St. Cloud Superman hanging out along Division Street in St. Cloud when the weather was warmer. In a video from 2015, he was quoted saying he started dressing as Superman after the 2001 terror attacks.

He's been seemingly 'retired' for several years. His Superman Facebook page has been radio silent since October 2015. Fillah's appearances around town have been less consistent than they used to be.
But, on September 2, Rapids Alterations & Repair took their Facebook page to share some big news with us. They wrote, "Important Client #27: Not to brag, but we just repaired St. Cloud Superman's Cape."
Wait, is he ready to put the cape back on?! Is this proof that he's getting ready to make a comeback?
Gillian Schack Kubitschek wrote, "Oh this just made my day!"
Hannah Stevenson questioned, "How did the Man of Steel's cape tear?!"
That same day, around 7:30 p.m. Jennifer Morrison wrote on Facebook, "we're saved...St. Cloud Superman is back!!!" Several others commented that they too saw him back in costume.
We’re saved....St Cloud Superman is back!!! ♀️
Posted by Jennifer Morrison on Wednesday, September 2, 2020
We're not sure what all this means, but it sounds like he might be thinking about getting the band back together. I mean, 2020 does need a hero. One thing is certain, the Superman cape has been repaired. What happens next is anyone's guess.
Important Client #27: Not to brag, but we just repaired St Cloud Superman's Cape.
Posted by Rapids Alterations & Repair on Wednesday, September 2, 2020
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