If You’re Not There Right Now, You’re Missing The Fun At Waite Park’s Family Fun Fest!
Here’s your chance to see the Quarry. Martin Marietta is hosting tours of the quarry today as a part of Waite Park’s Family Fun Fest celebration.
Tour buses leave about every 15 minutes from the Rivers Edge Ballpark beginning at 1PM and ending at 6 PM. Tickets cost one dollar each and include a bus tour of the quarry, plus a stop at the deck area to enjoy refreshments, view displays, and watch the quarry at work.
Tickets can be purchased at the Waite Park City Hall during business hours, or at the Rivers Edge Ballpark at 3rd Street North and 13th Avenue North in Waite Park, on the day of the tours. All proceeds from ticket sales go to support the Family Fun Fest.
Waite Park Family Fun Fest events are lined up all week so participate – if you’re not afraid to have fun! Join Mix 94.9 at the Grand Day Parade Saturday at 2PM. The parade starts in front of the Waite Park Library and we’ll have lots of Pearson’s Salted Nut Rolls for you.
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