Here’s Why I Set Up My 11-Month-Old With An Email Account
I set up my 11-month-old son Charlie with an email account this morning. Now, before you think I'm crazy, hear me out.
We live in a digital age where everything lives on the internet--pictures, videos, stories, memories, etc. Someday, he'll eventually sign himself up for an account anyway. I started one for him for this reason.
Throughout his childhood, I plan to send pictures, videos and little memories his way via an email. My cell phone can only hold so many pictures before they get dumped on a hard drive that I will keep forever. If I send pictures with captions his way, he'll be able to have access to those memories too. He'll even be able to know the exact day and time I sent it to him.
The other cool thing about gifting him with a random email account is the photos and videos are safe from fire, natural disaster, etc. I'll never have to worry about losing those precious memories.
Every year on his birthday, I want to send him a little email letter. Then, on his 18th birthday I want to give him the account password and username so that he can log on and scroll through a chronological memory wall of his life told by his parents.
I think it's a great idea and everyone should set their children up with an email account that holds little memory nuggets for them. It's never too late to start!
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