Halloween Candy Donation Options Around Central Minnesota
November 1st, you wake up to see a mountain of trick or treat candy sitting in your living room. There is NO WAY your kids can handle all of that. Here are a few options for getting those sweets out of sight, while doing some good in the world at the same time!
Halloween Candy Buy Back - Kalpin Dentistry
1544 Northway Drive, Suite 150 Saint Cloud, MN, 56303
Phone: (320) 252-1300
Email jennie.kalpin@gmail.com for specific dates and times.
Treats for Troops - Goodwill St. Cloud
Soldiers' Angels Treats for Troops Program will ship your donated candy to deployed service members around the world or distribute to veterans in VA Hospitals across the country for a sweet treat. Drop off that extra candy at Goodwill in St. Cloud between Nov. 1st and Nov. 5th.
Ronald McDonald House Charities
The Upper Midwest chapter of the organization is based in the Twin Cities. But they are always looking for donations like snacks and other basic necessities. Check out a wish list and get more details here.
Know of another donation program or a cause to donate to? Send it to us here and we will add it to this list!
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