Guy Gets Conned on I-94 in Minnesota, DON’T let This Happen to You!
Con artists are getting more creative by the moment. We know of them spamming your email, calling, sending text messages and now right on the side of the road in Minnesota on I-94. Seriously, learn from this guy and don't get conned, here's what user 5iddles recently shared on reddit:
I got conned getting on I-94 today
A guy was pulled over on the on-ramp waving people down. I was just thinking about how I'd hate to get stranded on I-94 on a cold day like today. I stopped and asked him what was wrong.
He said he needed gas money because his card was not working at the gas station. He asked me for my number and said he'd pay me back. He took off his (probably fake) gold ring and handed it to me.
I'm not usually trying to be suspicious of people, and I was ok giving him the money I had in my wallet, but then he asked if I could go to the ATM and withdraw $800 because he was trying to drive to Florida. I told him I couldn't do $800, and he seemed really disappointed and tried to negotiate with me to see how much I would give him. This really should've tipped me off, but I was genuinely thinking I could try and help this guy a little. The ATM had a withdrawal limit of $200, so that's what I gave him.
I feel really dumb, but I want others to be aware of this so that they don't get scammed too.
I appreciate that this guy was trying to do something good, but learn from him and DON'T do this. What should you do though if faced with such a situation? One person actually replied, saying,
Someone also said that they've heard of this type of scam happening around gas stations, though being on an on-ramp makes it appear more convincing. It's a shame that we can't even feel safe trying to "help" someone. But please be safe rather than sorry, and remember to report anything suspicious like this.
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