Good Shepherd Community Celebrates 60 Years This Weekend
SAUK RAPIDS (WJON News) - The Good Shepherd Community in Sauk Rapids is celebrating its 60th anniversary this weekend. A tent will be set up for the fun Saturday afternoon from 1:00 to 3:00. Volunteer Coordinator Janette Ditlefsen says everyone is welcome for the afternoon of events.
Our festivities begin at 1:00. We'll have a color guard presentation and our mayor of Sauk Rapids will be here welcoming us. We'll have root beer floats we'll have snacks, we'll have fun.
The St. Cloud Singing Saints will be performing live under the tent.
Volunteers are also needed to help the residents get outside and enjoy the fun as well. The Good Shepherd Community is located at 1115 4th Ave in Sauk Rapids.
Find more information about the 60th Anniversary by clicking here.
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