Good News – $6,000 Emergency Food Kits are Now Available!
The end of the world is nigh. Fortunately, Costco has you covered.
The giant retail company announced that they are rolling out three emergency food kits, all for the great prices of just $1,000, $3,999.99 and $5,999.99.
I wish I could say this is a joke. It's not.
The cheapest kit includes 100 1-gallon cans of wheat, rice, granola, apples, bananas, peaches, strawberries, potatoes, carrots, beans, onions, corn, beef, chicken, milk, sugar and salt -- 6,200 servings of food total -- that will last up to 25 years.
And while the costs may seem exorbitant, they're not proving detrimental. With realities like hurricanes Harvey and Irma and fears like nuclear war with North Korea, demand is actually increasing. Other retailers like Walmart are beginning to offer emergency kits as well.
Now before you jump on the bandwagon, may I first offer my humble opinion, for whatever it's worth - save your money. While I'm all about being prepared for emergencies, I think this is just another money-making ploy fueling and feeding on people's fears. They don't deserve that kind of power. Too often we live in fear and allow that fear to govern our lives to the benefit and gain of others.
Instead, invest your money in family, in experiences and memories, in helping and serving others. Besides, when the end of the world really is nigh, no emergency kit will delay it.
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