Do You Think St. Cloud Should Get A Community Pool/Indoor Water Park? [VOTE]
I've been saying that St. Cloud needs a community pool for years. I always here the same comments from people when I bring it up too, "go to the YMCA," etc and blah, blah blah. While I agree there are probably many indoor pool options for a fee, I think an outdoor community pool like we used to have by Lake George would be an awesome addition to the city!
I also think our area would benefit greatly from an indoor water park. Can you imagine how busy that place would be--especially in the winter time? My brother has a January birthday, and growing up it was always a struggle trying to plan his parties. We usually ended up going bowling or to the movies. Central Minnesota residents who have winter birthdays would have an awesome alternative. Plus, it would definitely help winter go by a lot faster!
Dreaming about summertime in the winter can be a lot like grocery shopping when you're hungry though, you buy a lot of things you don't need, if you know what I mean. Do you think St. Cloud would benefit from a community pool or indoor water park?