Disaster Recovery Checks Delivered to Randall Area Residents
RANDALL -- Disaster recovery checks will start going out to Randall area residents in the next two weeks.
The Initiative Foundation says 32-Randall area homeowners and two nonprofits were hit hard by the storm on June 23rd and 24th that dropped more than a foot of rain and caused the Little Elk River to overflow its banks.
In total, $83,500 is being distributed by the Randall Area Flood Recovery Task Force and St. James Catholic Church thanks to individual, corporate and nonprofit donations. Another $10,000 is going to two local businesses.
According to FEMA, a 1,000-square-foot home flooded with 12 inches of standing water will require $30,000 to repair, restore and replace the damaged property.
You can still support the Randall Area Flood Recovery by donating online or by making an in-person donation at Randall State Bank. All donations are tax-deductible.