Despite Scare, Beloved Minnesota Festival Can Return With One Big Change
There are quite a few beloved festivals here in Minnesota, but there is only one that has been under scrutiny for the last few months. Under scrutiny enough, that it has honestly had many people wondering if it would be coming back at all. This girl included.

That would be, the Minnesota Renaissance Festival. It has been a staple in this state for 51 years now. But traffic to and from the festival held in Shakopee, in Scott County, has been a real problem. Especially this last year. Which is why the Scotty County Board in the fall of 2022, threatened to not renew Mid America Festivals permit needed to keep the festival running in its current location. That was one of a few violations they needed to fix by the latest board meeting held on March 21, 2023.
Having gone to the Minnesota Renaissance Festival for the first time this last year and learning why my mom has loved it for so long. I feel like I have gotten very invested on whether or not I can look forward to this fun event again or not. So waiting with abated breath, I finally got the answers we have been waiting for.

Minnesota Renaissance Festival WILL return for the 52nd year as of the moment!
According to member Chad Foline on the Minnesota Renaissance Festival group page
2 hours of discussion on the ren fest during the board meeting. That was alot. But RenFest continues on!!
But of course in order for the festival to keep its permit, there has to be a plan for changes moving forward. With the biggest one being that of parking and what to do. For those that frequent the festival, it sounds as though there will be only a limited amount of parking passes (7,000 according to comments on the Facebook post) available for people to buy.
However, when I go to the board's minutes in amendment C it states:
Mid America Festivals Corporation will require parking vouchers for each patron's vehicle to park onsite. Mid America Festivals Corporation will issue no more than 8,000 parking vouchers for each day of the Renaissance Festival

Regardless of the number, do know parking passes will be a change this year for the RenFest. But the beloved Minnesota festival will return with a few conditions and changes needing to happen on Mid America Festivals end. They are to submit a plan by June 1st and if the board likes it things will continue you on as normal, but this post shared on reddit breaks it down just a bit more:
by u/MNReporter_20 from discussion Scott County to Renaissance Fair: Fix traffic management or shut down in 2023
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