‘Community’ Canceled? Writer-Producer Chris McKenna Tweets Show is “Dead”
Logical as it might seem for NBC to bite the bullet on one more shortened season of 'Community' to reach its "six seasons and a movie" mantra, fans of Dan Harmon's eternally-bubbling series may be in for a rude awakening. Writer-producer Chris McKenna has cryptically tweeted that 'Community' is "dead," preparing fans for the notion that NBC may not include the series among its ongoing renewals.
UPDATE: NBC has officially announced that 'Community' has indeed been canceled.
Take this with a few minor grains of salt, but it seems McKenna tweeted earlier today that "Community is dead. Pick a new show to make unthreatening threats about," when responding to a fan tweet that jokingly pressed NBC to renew the struggling comedy. McKenna followed up to say that "Rumors of its death may be exaggerated. But prepare yourself for non-exaggeration."
Previously we'd heard that NBC seemed surprisingly open to the idea of a sixth season of 'Community,' a prospect made more tangible by the departure of series star Donald Glover, though NBC's recent series pickups of 2014-15 series has quickly depleted the available space on the network's schedule. It would seem at least somewhat unusual for NBC to abandon its support of the series now, having gone out of its way to return creator Dan Harmon to the fold for a fifth season, the quality and reception of which markedly improved.
Naturally, McKenna's words paint an ominous portent for the days to come, but what do you think? Could 'Community' really be "dead" this time? Is it time to sound the rally for another network to pick up a final season, or at least a movie?
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