Cold Spring Field House Moves Closer To Becoming Reality
COLD SPRING -- Plans to build a new field house in Cold Spring has cleared another hurdle.
During Tuesday's city council meeting, the council approve a special use permit which allows the association to build the field house on city property.
City Administrator Brigid Murphy says with the approval, the baseball association can begin fundraising and promoting the amenity will be coming to the Cold Spring Baseball Park.
However, before any work on the site can begin Murphy says the council needs to approve a development agreement because the city is not responsible for its construction.
By June 14th I hope to have the Development Agreement ready. I should get it from the city attorney later this week, get it to the association for review and have it ready to go for council approval at that meeting.
Once the development agreement is signed, the association hopes to begin the ground work following the summer baseball season, with the facility potentially ready by next season.
In a perfect world we would like to have the facility finished by spring, should everything go correctly. However we have different challenges in front of us with construction materials and things like that.
Construction of the field house would be funded by the association, who plans to donate the building to the city to handle daily operations.
The field house is roughly 15,500 square feet with two-thirds fully turfed with batting cages. The building would also have new bathrooms, locker rooms, and a conference room.
The building will sit next to the baseball field where there is currently a skating park and a basketball court.