Cloud, Reflection Spotted in MN Shaped Just Like Minnesota
"Legend has it if you paddle to the middle you’ll find a hotdish."
Photo of a cloud over Lake Vermilion is getting a lot of love from Minnesotans for the uncanny way it resembles the state's shape.
More accurately, the cloud itself looks more like northern Minnesota. But its reflection off the water extends the state to its full proportions looking incredibly like the Land of 10,000 Lakes!
u/Wumbo-Donger via Reddit
Comments on reddit have shown nothing but love and pride for Minnesota.
"What an awesome pic! Called this state my home 4 years ago and love every bit of it."
"And the shape of the cloud is the great state who brings hot dishes and lefsa to all good little boys and girls in their time of greatest need."
"Now this is a good cloud picture."
The photo was originally taken by Erica Hoheisel of Babbitt, Minnesota.
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