Central Minnesota Church and School Fall Victim to Burglary
First of all, who steals from a CHURCH?! If God is watching anywhere, you know it's going to be his house.
The Long Prairie Leader reported this morning that Christ the King Church and School in Browerville Minnesota (about an hour northwest of St. Cloud) fell victim to a burglary on Monday, March 5th. The media release from the Todd County Sheriff's office said that the school reported that there was money stolen and there was also damage done to Christ the King Church. At the time we don't know how much was stolen or what was damaged.
Seriously who does this? Of all the people to make a victim out of, the criminals chose children and those of faith. It's just heartbreaking. Any information on this is being taken by the Todd County Sheriff’s Office. Call them toll free at 1-800-794-5733 or 320-732-2157.
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