I personally thought the Super Bowl halftime show was awesome. However, scanning social media I found out that a large number of people found it to be too revealing and inappropriate.
I recently saw a post on Reddit from a 20 year old man who was wondering if it was normal that his girlfriend looks through his phone when he is not around. He said that she is looking for evidence that he has been cheating.
I'm not even sure how it came up, but our coworkers were discussing whether or not we would let our significant others put a tracking app on our phones. Surprisingly, most of them seemed okay with it.
At the time of these results, nearly 60% of online voters said they reheat pizza the second day; only 40% abide by the Golden Rule. However, 85% of people on Facebook commented to say that they eat their pizza cold.
Everybody knows the Golden Rule of Pizza: "When eating pizza on the second day, it is to be eaten cold. Always."
(I may have made that up)
Today, I nearly forgot to follow the Golden Rule of pizza. After pulling my leftover pizza from the fridge for lunch, I prepared to put it in the microwave to reheat. On a whim, ho...