ST. CLOUD (WJON News) -- The road construction season isn't over yet and starting Monday drivers on Highway 10 will see lane shifts, lane closures, and reduced speeds.

The Minnesota Department of Transportation says crews will be installing cable median barriers on three segments of the highway in central Minnesota.

In Morrison County, workers will be installing the high-tension cables from Highway 27 in Little Falls to south of 58th Street in Royalton.

In Benton County, the cables are going up from Halfway Crossing to north of the Platte River in Royalton.

In Sherburne County, crews will be working between County Road 7 to north of Highway 24 in Clear Lake.

The cable median barriers are intended to prevent crossover collisions with oncoming drivers.

Work on the $6.6-million project will be done during daylight hours and should wrap up in mid-to-late November.


Come Visit Buckman, Minnesota in Pictures

Ten Things Only Minnesotans Over 35 Will Remember About the World Wide Web

The internet machine has been around a lot longer than you might remember,. When you were kids saying PAW so they didn't know you were talking about them, to sending roses to people with the keyboard, it was a lot of fun and seems so innocent now.

Some of the slang is still around because people of a certain age are still using it, but a lot has died off. BRB will never leave us, though. LOL

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