Brew Review: Lift Bridge “Irish Coffee Stout”
I have finally found it! The beer that reminds me most of Third Street's "Cool Beans" - Lift Bridge Brewing Co's "Irish Coffee Stout"!
So many reasons I love this beer:
a. It's made in our great state of Minnesota! In fact, in the Birth Place of Minnesota, and home to some of the most beautiful scenic driving around, Stillwater. So every time you take a sip, feel good about fueling local jobs and businesses!
b. They use organic 5 Watt Coffee from Minneapolis, which are not only some of the best beans around, but also another area business. Yeah us! Two for two on keeping it local.
c. It's aged in whiskey barrels. Need I say more? Extra kick, but really smooth in this blend. In fact, I didn't even realize it was aged in the barrels until I read it on the Lift Bridge website. I've been on a barrel aged beer kick lately. Great beers for slow sipping and sharing with friends. More reviews on those coming soon!
Also, attention to small details. Love the labeling on this bottle. Maybe that's lame, but I drink a variety of craft beers and notice more and more the tiny visual details on the bottles. Like this limited seal.
Ohhhh... fancy. Makes you feel like you're really treating yourself to something special (and you are, coz this is gooooooood!). If you get lucky enough to spot one of these bottles on your next shopping trip for beverages, don't hesitate to try it for yourself!
Remember to always drink responsibly. Cheers!
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