Border War Intensifies as WI Claim’s MN’s Tettegouche State Park
A Minnesotan raiding party is preparing to march on Wisconsin and reclaim it now.
The Minnesota-Wisconsin rivalry is an age-old one -- from who's got the better sports to who's got the better beer to who gets to claim Paul Bunyan as their own, the border battle never seems to resolve. And apparently it won't, after Wisconsin's DNR apparently claimed Minnesota's famous Tettegouche State Park in Silver Bay as its own.
Wisconsin's Department of Natural Resources earlier this week took to Facebook to announce that -- starting May 1 -- nearly all Wisconsin State Parks will be open to visit again. Per usual, annual passes will be required, though new hours will be implemented, parks will be closed on Wednesdays, and all facilities including restrooms and drinking fountains will also be closed.
While cheeseheads are less than impressed by the news that they (particularly women) won't be able to use the bathrooms, Minnesotans have taken issue with a very different matter altogether -- that Wisconsin's DNR seems to think Tettegouche State Park is theirs!
Clearly visible beyond the used graphic's text is a photo of the iconic Tettegouche point and sea stack -- the same one that sadly collapsed during a storm last winter. While Wisconsinites don't seem to have noticed, Minnesotans certainly have.
"WI let their state park system fall into disrepair so they cant get any good pics of their own parks," savagely joked one on reddit.
"WI state parks are depressing to visit after seeing MN state parks," commented another. "Still beautiful, but an overall sense that they just don't care."
"After we retake Tettegouche I say we march on La Crosse for a little southern expansion," joked a third.
One Minnesotan -- giving caution to the wind -- suggested that perhaps the photo isn't what it seems. "I'm as proud and protective of our North Shore as anybody, but are we sure this isn't South Shore near the Apostles...? Certainly looks like it easily could be."
Pointing out the iconic sea stack and comparing it to similar photos (below), however, other Minnesotans aren't convinced.
In conclusion, it looks like Minnesotans and Wisconsinites have finally found something we agree on -- that we both hate the WI DNR (albeit only one of us is upset about pooping in the woods).