Staff Writer
Woman Gives Birth on Plane at 30,000 Feet With Some Unexpected Help
Can you call it a water birth when the delivery takes place over the Pacific Ocean?
Cat Opening Door Is Way Funnier Than It Should Be
Here's further proof that you'll never be able to figure out what goes on in a cat's head.
Flight Attendant Dances With Passenger in Ultimate Customer Service
This flight attendant's feet didn't touch the ground, but it's not because she was flying at 30,000 feet.
Pets in Halloween Costumes Are All Treats, No Tricks
Are you ready for Halloween? More importantly, are your pets?
Officer Is a Hero for Helping Blind Woman, 85, Cross Street
This cop is getting some serious for love for lending a helping hand.
Guinea Pigs Share Blade of Grass in Today’s ‘Awwww’ Moment
Sharing is caring. It's also a-freakin'-dorable.
Double Amputee With a Ton of Heart Plays High School Football
The next time you think you can't do something, think about Joe Martel III.
Watch People Ages 0-100 Bust Out Their Best Dance Moves
Dancing means different things to different people.
Pee Wee Football Team Rocks the ‘Whip/Nae Nae’ During Game
These football players have all the right moves.
Girl Interrupts Ceremony to Hug Soldier Dad Returning Home
Everyone loves a good video of soldiers coming home. Well, prepare to love this one more than usual.
Frightening Coat Rack Prank Will Have You on Edge
If you've been looking high and low for the best coat rack prank (and who hasn't?), your search is finally over.
Spaghetti Rat Is the Internet’s New Darling
On the heels of the now-infamous Pizza Rat comes the next wave in culinary rodent adventures.