Born and raised in the Twin Cities, working around the Midwest in radio for over 25 years. In the summer you’ll likely find me riding motorcycle with my wife Ali. In the winter you won’t see me unless you sneak into my cave, I hate the cold. What I DO enjoy is warm weather, my family (including our labs), riding motorcycle, firing up the grill, and thanking our military service members for our freedom. I love music, especially anything from the 80s!
Barry Allen
A Sad Reality About The World With Electronic Device Addiction [PHOTOS]
Have you noticed everywhere you look, people around you are focused on their cell phones? We are so removed from being social and it's starting to show. Amazing photos to prove how dumb we look.
It’s Official: Minnesota 2nd Best State to Raise a Family in 2018
Talk about how cold it is here all you want, but that doesn't change the fact that Minnesota is an awesome place to live. We're also the best place to raise a family in the Midwest!
Google Has Just Saved Us Time with Central Minnesota Restaurant Wait Times
The days are long gone of having to personally run in a restaurant to check the wait times. Google now does this for you when looking up a central Minnesota restaurant!
Minnesota ‘Fall Colors’ Ranked #2 in the Entire Country
All you have to do is drive around Minnesota this time of year to see some of the most stunning fall colors you've ever seen. Turns out we're near the top in the country!
Minnesota’s 5 Most Known Urban Legends That Could Very Well Be True [WATCH]
Minnesota isn't known for creepy and scary things, but these urban legends are well-known to many Minnesotans, and are accepted to most as completely to true.
Custom Minnesota License Plates That Would Be Hilarious to See
Recently the Minnesota DMV let a pretty horrible custom license plate slip through. Here are some license plate ideas that would be appropriate for Central Minnesota, and much more friendly!
Minnesota Does It Again – #1 Happiest State in the USA
If you've found yourself feeling happier lately, it may not just be by chance. It's likely because Minnesota is the happiest out of all 50 states in the USA.
Activate Your Child’s ‘Find My Phone’ App Immediately
Most kids have an Android or iPhone these days. Simply turning on their 'find my phone' app could save their life, and many parents don't even realize this phone feature.
Get Your Junk Ready – American Pickers Coming to Minnesota
One of the most popular TV shows, American Pickers, is coming to Minnesota next month. They'll be looking all over the state for junk that could be worth a ton!
I’m Buying This Luggage Cover Right Now! [LOOK]
Every time I fly, the biggest nightmare can be making sure to look out for my luggage on the carousel at the airport. I no longer have to worry because of this brilliant idea!
Parents – Did You Know About Google Scholar for the Upcoming School Year?
Most central Minnesota students return to school for the 2017/2018 school year on Tuesday. This means homework begins again. You've got to check out Google Scholar!
How Texas’ Hurricane Harvey is Affecting Minnesotans
This storm is pummeling Texas right now and it's affecting thousands of Minnesotans in ways you may not have realized. It's important to help how you can.