Anyone Else See The Shooting Stars In Central MN This Morning?
I've always wanted to see a shooting star and this morning, I actually got to see one. I was driving down Benton Drive in Sauk Rapids around 5:50 a.m. when out of nowhere I saw this huge flash of light shoot across the sky and fadeout just as quick.
It took me by surprise, as I was stopped at a traffic light next to the Sauk Rapids bridge. I questioned whether I just saw what I saw. It was definitely a little freaky at first, especially when you're not expecting it.
I looked around at the other cars to see if anyone else was reacting to it, and it didn't seem like anyone else noticed it.

I was so caught off guard that I forgot to make a wish on the shooting star. Isn't that what you're supposed to do when you see them?
When I got to work, I told my husband what I had witnessed and he reported seeing the same thing. How cool? It further validated that it wasn't just in my head.
I ended up going online to see if anyone else was talking about seeing it too and here's what I found from KARE 11's website, "A dazzling display is about to unfold in the night sky as one of the most reliable meteor showers of the entire year approaches its peak."
I guess the sky is super active right now. The article went on to say, "every year, skywatchers around the globe circle Dec. 13 on their calendars, the night that the Geminid meteor shower reaches its climax."
I had no idea that was even a thing. I got to see something super cool this morning. Maybe you did too! Pay close attention to the sky the next few days because you might get to make a wish on a shooting star.