7 ways That Would Help Central Minnesotans Reduce the Feeling of Work Burnout.
Remember when feeling the burn was for a good reason, it used to mean you were working hard at the gym. These days when we hear 'feeling the burn' it refers to feeling burnt out at work.
Raise your hand if you are feeling the work burnout.
I'm here to sadly let you know you are not alone. Was reading today about a survey done by Eagle Hill Consulting that the burnout in workers in America is at nearly 50%. Which seems high...but according to their Facebook post:
Employee burnout high but declining, according to new Eagle Hill Consulting research.
But knowing you aren't alone in work burnout doesn't really help a person out, does it? No it doesn't. What are some actual ways that would help on work burnout. According to other date collected during the work burnout survey people gave these 7 ideas:
- Four Day Work Week: A big margin of the people surveyed said only having to work four days a week would definitely help with work burnout. Having a three day weekend, that's the dream, right? Well maybe winning the lottery and not having to work anymore is the dream...but a three day weekend for those of us who need to work, sounds pretty spectacular.
- Increased Flexibility: What exactly does this mean you ask? To me it means you have a little more flexibility with your schedule. You can maybe set your hours and make that four day work week happen or if you need to take a little bit longer lunch because you need to run an errand, you aren't going to be questioned about your every second of every day.
- Decreased Workload: Pretty self explanatory, but while there is a hiring shortage, chances are a person isn't getting this for a bit yet.
- Better Health & Wellness Programs: Work burnout or not, I think most employees would tell their companies they'd like this.
- Working from Home: There has definitely been an increase of working from home since the pandemic and it's a trend I don't see going away. It's the best way to make sure you get a nap in each day without the boss knowing, correct?!
- More on-site amenities: There are companies that simply can't let employees work from home and many feel they'd feel less work burnout if there were cooler things at work. What would be cool to see at your work place? I think a nap room would be cool, free ice cream with a toppings bar, a happy hour lounge for drinks after work, puppies roaming around to be pet and maybe catered in lunch once a week. I'm just spit-balling ideas here, please share your fun ideas!
- Ability to Relocate or Work From Multiple Locations: To me it's AKA-being on "vacation" always and working from there. I just envision myself working at the lake or on a beach and setting my own hours. Pretty sure this could be very similar to working from home...just with, hopefully, a better view.
There are many things I feel that could ultimately help with work burnout and I realize I am fortunate that I talk and write for a living. But if you're having serious work burnout, it might be time to have that conversation at work on what can be done to help with it. Not saying it's going to be easy, but I truly hope you can find a happy medium for everyone and if anything try ice cream or puppies around, that usually makes people happy!
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