7 Things I’ll Miss About Central Minnesota’s Summer
I'm a fall girl, don't get me wrong. But, there are things I'll definitely miss about the summer months in central Minnesota, even though I'm eagerly awaiting fall. As we turn the page over to fall, let's reflect on all of the fun things we won't get to do again until summer. Perhaps now would be a good time to get a few items knocked off your summer bucket list while you still can.
1. The quarries. It's probably one of St. Cloud's best kept secrets. I love hanging out at at the quarries on a hot summer day. It's one of the reasons I'm able to get through winter.
2. Splash pads. These lovely sprinklers are how I keep my son entertained all summer. He absolutely loves running like a wild animal through the splash pad on a hot summer day. I also enjoy sitting back and watching him have the time of his life.
3. DQ and Mr. Twisties. I love ice cream all year round. Unfortunately, these two places shut down over the winter months. I've never wanted ice cream more than I do when I know I can't have it.
4. Trails. Central Minnesota is home to so many beautiful walking trails that get completely covered by leaves and snow in the winter and fall months. RIP walking trails.
5. Lakes. We're the Land of 10,000 Lakes in the summer and the Land of 10,000 frozen lakes in the winter.
6. Snow-free Division Street. It's not fun to drive down Division Street ever...and especially not when it's covered in ice.
7. Summerland. This one is a no-brainer. Summer is in the name. I'm the mini-golf champion and I also enjoy a few rounds of go-carts too.
Fall and winter are on the way. Enjoy your last little bit of summer while it's here.
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