6 Mix Artists You Forgot Made Surprise TV Appearances 📺
Ever been watching your favorite show, just enjoying yourself, when suddenly -- BAM! -- a surprise appearance by some celebrity?
I remember being shocked when high-profile actress Charlize Theron appeared in Arrested Development as a mentally unstable love interest; it seemed such an unexpected yet endearing role for someone of her caliber.
Here are six instances you forgot Mix artists made surprise cameos in television shows:
1. Britney Spears
Britney has made a number of tv appearances over the years, including Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Glee, Jane the Virgin, and several as Abby the Receptionist on How I Met Your Mother.
2. Kesha
Kesha plays a rude musician-neighbor in Jane the Virgin.
3. Pete Wentz (of Fall Out Boy)
Pete Wentz made a couple appearances on One Tree Hill.
4. Adele
Adele made a brief albeit entertaining cameo in Ugly Betty.
5. Demi Lovato
Demi Lovato made an appearance on Grey's Anatomy as a young girl misdiagnosed as paranoid schizophrenic.
6. Ed Sheeran
Redhead Ed made an appearance in Game of Thrones as a Lannister soldier who -- naturally -- sings. His cameo left a lot of fans surprised and unimpressed.
And just for good measure, let's not forget the time Minnesota's very own Prince made a surprise appearance on Zooey Deschanel's New Girl, offering Jess and Nick love advice.
Did I forget a time a Mix artist appeared in a TV show? Leave a comment in the comment section!
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