5 Amazing Live Cams To Watch In Quarantine
Minnesotans are sheltering in place and getting a little stir crazy. Face it, we're big outdoors people, we're world travelers, we're community oriented. We love being social and feeling connected. It's not easy staying inside.
That's where LIVE cams are coming in handy. Check out what's happening live in other parts of the world. Feel a little more connected while you're home doing your part to stop the spread of COVID-19. Take a virtual trip under the sea and explore a tropical reef. Watch a mother eagle take care of her babies in her Minnesota nest. Or, make a pizza and pretend you're in New York while you watch a live stream of the city. Sit back, relax and go on a virtual field trip! Check out these 5 awesome live cams.
Minnesota DNR Eagle Cam
Tropical Reef Live Cam
Rolling Cam Venice
Amsterdam Live Cam