2019’s Best Pumpkin Patches In Central Minnesota
Yes, I'm trying to push my pumpkin love on you...and no, it's never too soon! And, just like that, it feels a lot like fall! Soon, you'll be hunting down pumpkins like a crazy person. Once my calendar turns the page over to September, it's my cue to start celebrating the fall harvest! I put together a list of my personal favorite pumpkin patches in central Minnesota. Some of these places aren't open yet...but soon my children! In my opinion, all patches are great ones if they've got pumpkins...but, these five go a little above and beyond. If you've got a favorite pumpkin patch that's not on this list, share it with us in the comments section!
1. Nelson Farm, Litchfield--I've been going to this pumpkin patch every year since I was old enough to carve out a pumpkin. It feels like you're stepping into a Hallween town--they do it up right. Their fall festival includes everything from a corn maze, pumpkin painting, scarecrow stuffing and even pumpkin chucking with a homemade trebuchet. Yes, you can see pumpkins launch through the air with a trebuchet. P.S. when they officially open for the season, this will be their 30th anniversary!
2. Collegville Orchard, Collegeville--I'm so obsessed with their homemade apple butter and their salsa. Getting my annual load of pumpkins is just icing on the cake. This is the total fall package because they're also an apple orchard. Feed two birds with one scone! lol (it's my new catch phrase). They've got a pumpkin patch, hay bale ride, apple picking, farm animals and even light refreshments...plus, it's close to town...hang out at the pumpkin patch and still be home in time for Sunday football.
3. Grandpa's Pumpkin Patch, St. Joseph--This one is pretty close to town too! And, that NAME! Something about it just feels like home. They sell pretty much everything you need when it comes to decorating your home to look like fall...pumpkins, indian corn, straw bales, corn shocks and even local honey! Is there anything better than a cup of hot tea on a cold morning with a splash of locally made honey? No!
4. Sleepy Hollow Farm, St. Augusta--Looking for a great place to really take in the fall colors and be totally surrounded by nature? This is your place. They've got pumpkins, squash, gourds, bird house gourds, decorative corn stalk bundles and hay bales. You can pick your own and take beautiful photos of the fall colors. This is the best place to go for those serious fall decorators...those who have places to go and people to see.
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