15 Things New Students Can Expect On Move-In Weekend
College students in central Minnesota are preparing to hit the books again for the fall semester. It's move-in weekend for St. Cloud State University and the College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University. Here's what our new students can expect!
The parents who have all of the school spirit
The lost freshman...
The kids who use laundry baskets like boxes...
The red faced, sweat machine students who single-handily move you in...
The assembly line...
The college kids who are just there to party...
The roommate who brings way too much stuff...
Dorm bathrooms...
The smell of Lysol in your dorm room...
The dad with the tools...
Overly excited faculty giving convocation speeches...
When the dining hall is still a new and exciting place...
Goodbye hugs and tears...
The parent that hangs out too long...
Your new home...
It's going to be a great semester!
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