10 Things Minnesotans Do When It’s Cold Outside
For as different as Minnesotans all are, we have a lot of similar tendencies. When the temperature outside starts dropping, we ALL start going into full 'cold weather mode.' Here are ten things we all start to do when it gets chilly!
1. Use the crock pot--Minnesotans pretty much only look forward to the cold weather for one reason--crock pot season. It's pretty much the best season of all. The possibilities of what you can make in that thing are endless.
2. Bake--I'm the typical Minnesota. It was like 43 degrees last night, so I made cookies, almond poppy seed bread, chicken and garlic bread. I don't know what it is about the chilly weather that drives my need to be in the kitchen.
3. Drink warm beverages--My house in the winter is fully stocked with all sorts of tea, five varieties of hot chocolate (dark chocolate, milk chocolate, s'mores, vanilla chocolate, almond chocolate), french vanilla flavored coffee, pumpkin spice latte and apple cider.
4. Grab out the winter gear--All Minnesotans have a special designated closet for their winter coats, hats, gloves, snow pants, boots, mittens, ear muffs, scarves, hand warmers, etc. Typically we have multiples of each item listed above. It's a good idea to go through it all and look for holes and make sure everything is still in proper working order.
5. Layer up--Hoodies, sweat shirts, cardigans, long socks, house slippers and you name it--a Minnesotan will have it on. We pretty much invented cozy.
6. Religiously check the forecast for snow--The weather forecast is pretty much the most talked about thing in Minnesota on an average day. You can go to the grocery store and get the forecast from the bag boy, cashier and everyone else that you run into. When snow is in the forecast, there's a buzz around town.
7. Do indoor activities--The cold weather doesn't keep us from leaving our homes and having lives...but, we like to do warm activities. Shopping in the winter and going to catch a movie are super popular things to do when the temperature drops.
8. Decorate their yards--It's very possible that you may see Halloween decorations displayed in September. It's also very possible that you may see Christmas decorations in early November. It's kind of strategic. You don't want to wait for it to get too cold before you put your decorations up, because then you'll freeze your butt off.
9. Stock up on food--Every Minnesotan knows at least one person with a deep chest freezer full of meat and a pantry full of canned vegetables and baking supplies. The one thing you don't want to do in the winter is make multiple trips to the grocery store when it's freezing outside.
10. Buy cold medicine--Getting sick in the winter is inevitable. So, it's better to be too prepared than not prepared at all. There's usually a sale on cold and flu supplies around this time. You can better bet that most Minnesotans have cough drops, tissues, cold medicine and cans of chicken soup in the pantry.