10 Commandments of Garage Sale-ing In Minnesota
It's garage sale season in central Minnesota and many neighborhoods are already starting to have their annual yard sales! There are some garage sale rules you need to know before you just hop in your car and start bargain hunting. Think of these coveted rules as the Garage Sale-ing 10 Commandments...
1. You need a visor--I'm not sure if it's more for summer protection, or if it's just the "garage sale style" because it seems like everyone wears a visor when they're out garage sale-ing. Get yourself a visor and people will take you way more seriously when you're negotiating.
2. Fanny pack is a must--Alright, so these tend to look a little dorky, but it's so nice to not have to deal with a purse. You can keep all of your money and change right there on your hip where it's safe. The older I get, the more I appreciate these fashion eye sores!
3. Cash only--Don't go to a garage sale expecting to pay with a credit card or check. You're going to get blank stares and stink eyes from everyone around you if you even joke about it. Just do yourself a favor and bring cash and change with you.
4. Negotiating is mandatory--The point of shopping at a garage sale is to get a deal. Do not pay new prices for old or used things. If something is overpriced, get your bargaining on and try to score yourself a deal. If you aren't comfortable negotiating, then what the heck are you doing at a garage sale?! Go back to Target where you belong.
5. Wagon for pulling is encouraged--Let's face it, your car is probably parked a few blocks away and there's no way you can carry 10 bags of treasures that far. It's smart to bring a little wagon or stroller with you to hold everything. You'll thank yourself later!
6. Bring your own bags--You can't rely on other people to supply bags for you. You'll either end up with tons of bags or none at all. Bring your own plastic bags to hold all of your treasures.
7. Wear good walking shoes--Sure, flip flops are cute and all, but leave them at home. When you're in serious garage sale mode, it's best to wear your most supportive pair of sneakers.
8. Thou shalt not add to the free box--Go ahead and take out whatever you want from someone's free box. After all, that's what it's for. However, never under any circumstance is it OK to add your own unwanted junk to someone else's box. Not OK! I've seen it happen, and I'm convinced that this is how wars get started.
9. Don't be a jerk with your parking--I mean, you could park someone in, or park right in front of their mailbox or driveway, but why be a jerk?! Think about how you'd feel if you lived in that neighborhood. If you can't find a good parking spot, then I guess you're parking farther away and walking. Good thing you wore good shoes.
10. Respect the lawn--If someone is having a garage sale, don't just walk all over their lawn. Be respectful and keep your walking to the driveway, sidewalks and the road. It's just what you're supposed to do.
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