Creating different apples is kinda their thing. The University of Minnesota has 'created' 27 different types of apples that bloom from early to late season, with 18 still available today. Their latest being the "First Kiss" apple. This new fruit is,

Extraordinarily juicy, this spritely tart and deeply colored apple ripens early but will store for up to five months post-harvest.


They are ready to harvest in late August, which is 4 weeks sooner than it's parent apple, the Honeycrisp. The story of the First Kiss apple goes all the way back to the late 1990s when UMN’s apple breeders David Bedford and Jim Luby set out to breed an apple with the taste and texture of a Honeycrisp, but would be ready to eat by Labor Day. Because this apple is 'new', supply will be limited this year as the trees are still maturing. Check out a full list of UofM created apples here! We can't wait to try the new one!

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