
‘The Tonight Show’ Bans Dancing, Kevin Bacon Responds Appropriately
‘The Tonight Show’ Bans Dancing, Kevin Bacon Responds Appropriately
‘The Tonight Show’ Bans Dancing, Kevin Bacon Responds Appropriately
Jimmy Fallon must have some kind of death wish -- after all, what sort of nut would ban dancing from their 'Tonight Show' and then invite Kevin Bacon on as a guest? There's a historical precedent here that's hard to ignore. Kevin Bacon loves dancing. You can't take dancing away from Kevin Bacon. Step back. Or, rather, get back.
Footloose Gets Remade – Song and Movie [AUDIO] [VIDEO]
Footloose Gets Remade – Song and Movie [AUDIO] [VIDEO]
Footloose Gets Remade – Song and Movie [AUDIO] [VIDEO]
I have been really curious about Blake Shelton's remake of Kenny Loggins' "Footloose". Well, it's out and I really like it - it might even be better than the original! I grew up in the eighties so I really liked the movie and who didn't have a crush on Kevin Bacon? (Okay, maybe just us girls.) The remake of Footloose will be in theaters October 14th and a new trailer is out today. Read M