It really is the little things in life that can brighten someones day or even week!

Easter was this past weekend, and if you don't know, I'm a vegetarian. I have been since 1996. Family functions are always a mess. Family not understanding why I don't eat meat, pressuring me to just eat the meat, or even making their dishes full of things I don't eat. With that said, I don't expect anyone other than myself to go out of their way to accommodate for the way I eat, or don't eat.

I usually bring my own food to family functions or eat ahead of time so I'm not hungry as a hippo when I leave. To my surprise, my Godmother, Janet, went out of her way when making her salad. She left the cheese, eggs, and even bacon bits out of the salad until I took my plate full of "rabbit food." Simple, easy way to make sure that everyone can enjoy eating around the table together.

It may have been a simple task,  my Aunt is used to eating healthier and feeling left out at the table with just a salad on the plate as well. For me, it was the nicest thing that  happened all week. Not everyone thinks of those that eat "differently" than others. Making cheesy hash browns with cream of mushroom instead of chicken, or not putting gravy directly into the mashed potatoes are easy fixes that some people don't think about.

To those of you who think outside of the box and accommodate others, we thank you! You may think it's no big deal, but to those of us that get left out, it's a huge gesture of kindness! It really is little things like this that can put a smile on someones face!

I challenge you to go out of your way for someone this week; if you don't do so already on a regular basis. See how great it feels to make others feel appreciated or recognized! It really does make you feel happier knowing you helped others! In my opinion, random acts of kindness and paying it forward are  what keeps the world turning!

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