Electra Woman and Dyna Girl lasted a whole year from September of 1976 to 1977.  The show followed the adventures of Lori and Judy, two reporters who work for NewsMakers magazine.

This was part of the unbelievable Saturday morning's Kroft Supershow featuring other amazing forgetable hit series including Shazam/Isis Hour, The ScoobyDoo & Dyno Mutt Hour, Ark II, Clue Club, and one of the classics, "Land of the Lost."

Fragle Rock, created from the imagination of the wonderful Jim Henson, aired from 1983 to 1987 originally, but is still loved by many, including Chad Taylor, my co- host. The series followed the adventures of the Fraggles, a race of short furry creatures living a carefree existence in a complex network of magical caves. Gobo, Mokey, Wembley, Boober, and Red are always trying to avoid the giants known as Gorgs.

Who were your favorites? Send me an email of your favorite shows of yesterday, and what it was that you found so intriguing, to kelly@mix949.com.

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