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Photo by Alessio Soggetti on Unsplash
Photo by Alessio Soggetti on Unsplash

Weather. It is often the topic of discussion for Minnesotans and it really has been this winter with the amount of white stuff we've gotten so far. Just this week alone, over a couple of days we got 13.8 inches and we haven't even hit the middle of the season yet. So hold on everyone, this could be a bumpy ride.

However, being the person that I am, I usually TRY to find the silver lining (keyword try). For example, it's cold and snowing? I'll make a cup of hot cocoa. open the window blinds, and take in a really beautiful view. While secretly knowing I will eventually need to shovel some of it out of the way, but then think, hey it's a workout, right?!

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Try to find the silver lining and I know that is wayyyyy easier said than done. But yesterday was one of those days after two days of a LOT of snow I got excited about something that some might think is really weird. It's actually something really small, but for some reason I find this activity oddly satisfying.

The activity I speak of, is kicking off the ice and snow residuals on your vehicle out of your tire well. For some odd reason, I find it oddly satisfying! It made me wonder if maybe I'm just a little weird. But when I went out to my vehicle early in the morning and saw this:

Image Credit: Megan Zee/TSM
Image Credit: Megan Zee/TSM

I got really excited to get it kicked off,

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Image Credit: Megan Zee/TSM
Image Credit: Megan Zee/TSM

and proceeded around the whole vehicle to make sure I got it all. I asked my boyfriend if me liking this makes me weird or not, to which he said he actually enjoys kicking it off from the wheel well too, so maybe I'm not as odd as I think. But what do you think Minnesota is this something you find oddly satisfying too or do you hate having to kick it off? Hit us up on our app and let me know if you are right there with me or think, Megan you're weird! I'm good with that too.

IF you're also thinking you're over the winter already, might want to look at these ideas on getting away:

Places for Central Minnesotans to Visit in Hawaii


Cozy Up at This New Coffee Shop in Long Prairie

The Best Dairy-Free Items I've Found Around St. Cloud




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