When we walk away from a job interview, hopefully we feel good about what we said and how we interacted with the person or people interviewing us. Some of us are good at what we do, but we aren't the best in an interview situation. Here are a few pointers to use so we can nail the interview and hopefully get that job we want. 

Ask Questions

You've gone through the whole interview process, and you're sitting across from who you hope is your future boss when they say, "Do you have any questions?" Even if we don't we should always say yes. It shows thoughtfulness and it also shows interest in the position. My default question is, "If I am hired for the position, what sort of dress code is required?" As they're answering, I don't really listen. I just use that question to buy time so I can think of another one. Other good questions to ask are, "What are the short term and long term goals that are expected for the candidate that fills the position?" "What sort of organizational issues should I be aware of?" and "What should I focus on differently than the person who previously held this position?" That last one is especially good if they happen to mention that the last person wasn't very good.

That's a Good Question

This response also buys you time. Sometimes the interviewer will ask a surprise question that we may not be prepared to answer; so prefacing your answer with the reliable, "That's a good question" so you can formulate a thought instead of saying, "Gosh...I don't know." I was asked about something with a previous job and I really didn't know the answer, but I didn't tell them that. I said, "That's a good question" followed by a long pause and gave the answer and the interviewer smiled, nodded and said something to the effect of, "It has happened to the best of us" so they totally understood what I was saying. Whew!

Know Why You Want To Work There

Sometimes in interviews, I've been asked, "Why do you want this position?" so make sure you're ready with an answer instead of, "That's a good question." This shows the interviewer what your motivations are and can help them make a better educated decision when they're weighing candidates. During the interview, make sure you mention how you would fit in the position and what you would bring to the table. It may make it easier for the interviewer to visualize you as part of the team.

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