Odd News

Believe It or No: A Recap of This Week's Fun Facts (6.18.21)
Believe It or No: A Recap of This Week's Fun Facts (6.18.21)
Believe It or No: A Recap of This Week's Fun Facts (6.18.21)
Believe it or no, the largest uninhabited island on Earth is Devon Island in northern Canada. No one can live there because of the climate . . . but scientists can use it to simulate Mars. So its nickname is "Mars on Earth."
Believe It or No: A Recap of This Week's Fun Facts (4.30.21)
Believe It or No: A Recap of This Week's Fun Facts (4.30.21)
Believe It or No: A Recap of This Week's Fun Facts (4.30.21)
There's a city in Alaska called Diomede that's just 2.4 miles away from Russia. It’s not actually on mainland Alaska but is a tiny settlement on the west coast of Little Diomede Island in the Bering Straight. Population was just 93 in 2019.

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